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lays at the door of
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small seed
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felt remorse
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sudden burst
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unless legally
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Greek consonant
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Place of chaotic distress
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Is on the rebound, for example, with enemy commencing prolonged assault
- Pattern: ?????
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Is on the rebound, for example, with enemy commencing prolonged assault
- Pattern: ?????
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appears to be the same as extreme equatorial climates
- Pattern: ???????
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it's a big win when captain sparrow puts top back on
- Pattern: -------
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early police, ... runners
- Pattern: ??? ??????
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Bow Street
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astronaut & senator
- Pattern: ???? ?????
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b?w ?t?e?t
- Pattern: 3,6
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Bow Street
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?o?n ?l?nn
- Pattern: 4,5
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Jon Anderson
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An inquiry into the causes of an event.
- Pattern: Horizontal
- Source: 13 letters
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A theory which unites many related subdisciplines or theories.
- Pattern: Vertical
- Source: 8 letters
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perfect society
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old italian bread
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sheet fabric
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missal entry
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Caesar's last question
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Arab sultanate
- Pattern: ?ma?
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